Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Issac 1:1 Thou shalt justify thy hatred

This isn't a poem, but I do have some emotions to share and for me that's what this blog is for, the emotional side of atheism.

So there were hurricanes in New Orleans.  Again.  Just last week.  And as I think of how hard it must be, to have lost everything, and be struggling again, and the fear and uncertainty, knowing that you have faced one of the worst disasters in American history just seven years ago, and you might have to do it again.

While watching news about it at my workplace I overheard a conversation between coworkers. One guy (whom I don’t know well) “Well, you know New Orleans has one of the highest crime rates in the country. It’s a den of sin. It seems to me God’s just killing ‘em all. He’s carving them out of there.” 

I was on the other side of the room. I was not part of the conversation, and it is a workplace, so fortunately before I could get across the room, the waitress launched into him. “I have family there. You just shut up,  you’re hateful and ignorant.” He was obviously distressed. “I meant no offense”…and backed off. She stormed off. I glared at him. He turned to the one remaining guy. “I was just saying how it looks to me.” I walked off, and thanked the waitress for standing up to him, and told her I had friends who were from New Orleans.

There are people there, real people. Not sinners, not beings god wants to kill, but people. And any suggestion otherwise is hateful.

This is what believing in  God does.  When you try to ascribe motives to these things, when you believe there’s “a  plan,” it seems obvious most people take the next step. God punishes sinners, God rewards the virtuous. Those living a good life must be virtuous. Those in need must lead terrible lives and deserve their fate. It’s a natural progression. Instead of looking at science and nature, and reaching out to help those in need, some know it’s “all in God’s hand.” It lets people stop trying, stop worrying, and stop caring about others. “God cares, so I don’t’ have to”

Most of my life I’ve been an agnostic. “I don’t know, and I’m not sure I can know.” For years I wanted to believe, to believe in God, because it seemed easier. Knowing it would be OK, knowing there’s a point, knowing there is justice. But I was not capable of actual belief. I could pretend, I could lie, but well that’s not true, I couldn’t do those things, I couldn’t even really try. Certainly not in the name of “God” and certainly not when it would mean turning my back on the real world as I felt and believed. 

I used to think “once you know, you’re probably doing it wrong. “ So it really bothers me that I’ve grown more and more certain of things as I’ve gotten older. I’ve gone from agnostic, to atheist, and more recently, firmly Anti-Theist. Anti-theism is the belief that religion is harmful and destructive to the world. Honestly It does occur to me that you could be ‘spiritually christian’ and still understand the tenets behind Anti-Theism,  but it still feels more like a natural extension of my growing certainty. My certainty that the world and the universe exists without god, and without a plan, and that whenever we steer away from that, whenever we look ‘outside ourselves’ for answers, whenever we plea to a higher power, we allow harm to come to us and the world around us. The more I look at religious beliefs themselves, the more I only see harm in it.

But the more I see the Christian Wrong try to take over our country, and preach their hate and intolerance, the more I am driven to battle the ideas themselves, the very foundations that allow them to follow the natural conclusions, that God must have a plan and so I don’t have to care.

I just hope I’m right and that this backlash, this huge wave of craziness that’s sweeping the republican party, and the country, is the last wave, the last gasp of air before hatred, ignorance and a clinging to ancient ideas drowns in a sea of compassion and logic. I’m braced though, because I think these people can hold their breath a really long time. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Night Man

I drive passengers to the airport at 4 in the morning as my 'regular job'. I'm hoping to come with a couple of poems I could recite while driving, that would be 'safe'. This is my first stab at that. It's a little 'cuter' and more sing-song that I normally work, but it flowed that way.

I am the night man.
I knew years ago I couldn't be
Like everyone else I would see,
That the blinding light in my eyes
Couldn’t keep me awake, no matter how much I tried
And the cool cover of the night,
woke me and made me thrive.
I struggled through school, always so tired
Sturggled through jobs from which I was fired.
I just couldn’t get  sleep.
Something was wrong with me.
Then something happened that set me free.
I finally found my way
When I started sleeping during the day
So if you’re ever  told you must do things a certain way
And you’re just feeling like your days are nights
And your nights are days
Tell them to go away
You know yourself and you've got your own style
They’ll say you’re crazy,
Just give em a smile.
And say ‘crazy is the way to be’.
Tell them’ you be you
And I’ll be me.’

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I think this poem doesn’t look at where I am now, but where I was, when I wasn’t sure I could go on. It’s odd to try and get into the head of someone you were not that long ago. It feels like someone else now, but I still remember being inside their head. How many people have I been?

Fighting for Love

“What’s the point?”
The wounded soldier asks
As he clings to his wounds
To hold back the rushing blood.
“What is the point of the fight,
Holding ground,
Just To bear all these wounds
Should I stop the pressure
And just let it bleed?"
He watches the oozing mess between his fingers,
Just his hand keeping some of the life inside
He considers letting the weakness wash over him
So he won’t have to fight anymore.
Giving in to the sorrow
Hiding in the bed
Nibbling at crackers,
Enough to live, but who wants to gain your strength.
Strength brings the pain
Who wants to get up?
To walk on legs made of water
Wounds cutting so deep, they pierce to the other side, and bend 
          back again
Weaving through and through, till there is nothing left
Except the tapestry of wounds.
The red torrents spill upon the unwashed floor
Life pours away
The soldier clutches his wounds
Hold on.

For no reason, he thinks of a joke
A chuckle.
No great moment.
On a normal day of chores
Just a single laugh.
One smile long before,
And he gets the point,
Stands up
Walks out the door
And healed looks for more

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Christian Nation

Christian Nation
Are we a Christian nation?
We came and conquered the land
Blood soaked small pox blankets
We gave them away
In the guise of kindness
Feining peace so we could kill
Slaughtering the savages
Accepting their aid and
Carving turkey with the knife before we stab them
Then We look for slaves
Dragging thousands from homes to work our fields
Using the holy book for guidance,
We see we must enslave
And kill
It’s all right there
And after all
We are a Christian nation
We are,
but I wouldn’t wear that badge
With such pride

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Godless Heathen

Godless Heathen
This is it
This is what we have.
No god, gods, goddesses, spirits, angels.
It’s us.
We are alone.
We are animal,
Animals have tools
Be it claw or fang,
Quills or speed.
Our tool is reason.
Our minds, our thoughts
The odds against it are a billion to one.
Which poised against the billions in the universe, means
It was pretty much a sure thing.
We had to happen somewhere.
Where there are millions of life forms, at a million to one odds,
One of them had to be us.
We are the Shakespeare typed by infinite monkeys.
We are here.
We are alone.
There is no justice above, so we must demand it now.
There is no salvation, we must save ourselves.
Life is precious, because this is all there is.
We are sacred, because there is nothing else.
No robed grandfather denizen to escort us to a great cloud.
No reward or punishment except what we provide.
We must exalt ourselves because that is all there is to exalt to.
When you pray for me you diminish me.
When you call outside the world, to that which is not there
You weaken us.
Taking time and attention from that which must be done
We are strong. We are amazing. We are alone.
We must be one being.
One strong voice to right our own wrongs,
make our own world, and be our best
Because there is nothing else to be.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The two focuses of this blog are intended to be poetry and atheism. There will be poetry that is not necessarily reflective of atheism,and info and opinions about religion, that is not poetry, but I hope to collide the two from time to time.
I went to some poetry readings, and I heard a great deal of poetry. But almost every poet keeps throwing in God language, and it threw me off. Then it occurred to, amongst my poetry blogs, and my atheist blogs, there aren't really any atheist poets.  So here I am.